• About me…

    I am a PhD student (a FUTURE Dr. Science Lady) in psychology at the University of Cambridge. These are my thoughts on animal behaviour and neuroscience. Enjoy!

Yongsoo Kim- social behaviour and autism…and… Starosciak- alcohol self-admin

I enjoyed two symposium talks this afternoon: first I heard Kim talk about a great new whole brain imaging technique. He has basically automated slicing and microscopy so he can visualise cfos and get an image through each slice, making for some cool animations on his slides. The whole process takes 22 hours. He was … Continue reading

Talks and poster ideas Monday PM

Looks like a great afternoon ahead to learn about addiction and the DA system. I hope I can muster the energy to read through the 1,000,000 posters I wanted to get to! Now that my presentation is over I am ready to absorb some of the great talks this afternoon- especially the Kim autism C-fos … Continue reading

SFN social media update

I hope you are all enjoying reading the various SFN neuroblogs so far, I certainly am! All of us bloggers are also all maintaining twitter accounts, so you can follow us by theme here: http://www.sfn.org/am2011/index.aspx?pagename=blogging_tweeting I should also note that I designed my blog in particular for use on smartphones and tablets, so I hope … Continue reading

ACC fun in Sunday PM poster sesh

So I scanned the entire poster list for today and of course still managed to miss TONS of interesting stuff, I now realize when chatting with colleagues. What I did notice, though, was that there are some nifty ACC experiments in the social/reward realm, which was quite new to me. I stopped by Bryden et … Continue reading

Symposium on Sex, stress, immunity and neural development

Another symposium on sex differences! Viveros reiterated a point that Hodes made earlier that it is silly that many labs only study adult male rats, especially in addiction and impulsivity as there are many age and gender-mediated differences. She also ran th rough the literature from her lab showing that cannabis exposure early in life … Continue reading

Cognition and behaviour, Sunday AM highlights

This is my ‘official’ neuroblogger role so I want to do my best to highlight some behavioural experiments that are pretty cool. Blanchard, the legendary behavioral dude from Hawaii showed data today on facial expressions in mice. The photographs were hilarious and they graded things like degree of eye-widening on a 30-second sampling schedule during … Continue reading

Sex differences in anxiety and depression

This nano symposium looks so interesting, I am heading there now. I’m especially interested in the paternal transmission of cocaine resistance and the later talk on D1 receptors in California mice. As I learned this morning at poster XX46/201.21 from G. Greenberg, these mice are a great model for female aggression as the ladies defend … Continue reading

Outreach posters…check ’em out!

So I know you came to learn about science, but it is worth stopping by the education posters. There are some super cool initiatives for reaching kids and showing them the brain. My friend Cate’s this AM was great and had good ideas for any teacher or TA on some fun activities to get intro … Continue reading

SFN begins!

Hi everyone! So I arrived a bit late, but now I’m in the whole sfn swing. Posters are exhausting/exhilarating. I love being surrounded by so many scientists. If only the program books weren’t so heavy! I’m blogging from my (new!) iPad, so this is a new experience for me- I’m a bit trepidatious about adding … Continue reading

SFN 2011 Neuroblog

Hi Everyone, I’m very excited for SFN as this year I will be an official ‘Neuroblogger’! You can read about my thoughts on the meeting here, and also on my twitter feed (@drsciencelady). Don’t forget to visit my poster at 371.12/KK17! See you in Washington! Emily